Free Resources

Learn more from experts about what you need to run your business

Learn from the best

No matter what kind of business you run, UnderPinned experts can help you build a better business
We offer our free one time in peson event, “100 Days of Freelancing” to all university partners. Sign up and reach out to us to find out more

UnderPinned has helped
50,000 students succeed.
Can we help you too?

Free live workshops

Our team will not only bring in experts, but run regular workshops with your university to help you understand what you need to improve your offering

On-demand education

10 free modules are available to you from when you sign up that run through all the topics you’ll need to cover, from portfolio building to rate setting to contract work

Even if you know everything, we can still help

Software that gets the job done

With the UnderPinned software, you can get access to job leads, portfolio creation tools, invoice tools, and contracts in one easy to build format.

We’re always here to help

If you can’t wait until our next Q&A or expert event, you can simply email or message us directly via the app. We’ll get back to you ASAP with a helping hand

Believe it or not, there’s more. Sign up for free to learn about it